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When Political Correctness Becomes Dangerous

Lately we are hearing more and more about cases where Affirmative Action has caused people who were unqualified for positions being GIVEN the positions based SOLELY on their gender or race. Now while this may seem like nothing more than an annoyance, the consequences of it can be deadly if the wrong person is given the wrong position.

Take, for instance, Antoinette Frank, a former New Orleans police officer. Antoinette knew from a very early age that she wanted to be a police officer, so she wasted no time in applying to become one as soon as she was old enough. And, despite lying on her application and failing TWO psychiatric evaluations, Antoinette was accepted into the academy. The reason? Antoinette is black.

There have been racial tensions in New Orleans for years and the police force felt that they could kill two birds with one stone by hiring Antoinette. The police precinct was understaffed, and they also felt that hiring a black police officer would ease racial tensions. Now had Antoinette been qualified for the job, nothing would have come of this, but she was not, and what came later would shock New Orleans to its core.

Antoinette was responsible for not one, but THREE murders. She and her drug-dealer boyfriend decided to rob a restaurant, and while inside, Antoinette shot and killed three people. She has been sentenced to death and currently sits on death row, one of only TWO women in the whole state.

Now had Antoinette been white, would she have been hired? Possibly, but it cannot be denied that political correctness played at least some part in the deaths of three innocent people. Now one could argue that this is simply an isolated incident. But it isn't. This idea of being "politically corrrect" still continues today.

Just recently, a New York woman named Rebecca Wax took the tests required to become a firefighter, and she FAILED the VERY crucial Functional Skills Training test. This test required her to be able to finish a grueling obstacle course in full firefighter gear along with a limited air supply within a certain time limit. The time limit is 17 minutes and 50 seconds, it took Wax 22 minutes to finish it, which means she is NOT qualified for the position.

The ONLY reason Wax is being hired is due to her gender, and, reasonably, other female firefighters are pissed off. They do not like that the standard has been lowered for this ONE woman simply due to her gender. And ALL of the firefighters she is working with are, understandably, concerned about being made to work with someone who is underqualified. And they should be.

They say that history repeats itself. While Wax is not a murderer like Antoinette, what happens if she is called out to a burning house and is unable to rescue someone due to her physical weakness? What if she is unable to rescue several people? What if her inability to do the job properly puts one of her fellow firefighters in jeopardy? What if one or several people die because of her lack of qualifications?

Affirmative Action seems to have good intentions, but NOTHING good can come of it. When people like Antoinette Frank and Rebecca Wax are being hired based SOLELY on their race and gender, despite the fact that they are NOT qualified for the positions, it puts lives in danger. While hiring someone as a secretary when they are not qualified will have less severe consequences, do we REALLY want a bunch of unqualified or straight-up crazy people being given rescue and law-enforcement jobs?

I sure as hell don't, and if I was living in the jurrisdiction of Rebecca Wax's fire department, I would move away as SOON as I was able. There is more than enough death in the world without us causing more death because of stupid political correctness and "diversity" initiatives.


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