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Not All Feminists Are Like That?

Often, when debating feminists, their go-to response to any and ALL offenses committed by the members of their movement is the infamous "NAFALT" or Not All Feminists Are Like That. In fact, it seems to be one of their favorite rebuttals.

But what does such a rebuttal accomplish? It doesn't stop the "bad" feminists from doing the things they do. It doesn't help the people these feminists are hurting. Short answer? It relieves the "good" feminist of any and all responsibility for the "bad" feminist's behavior so she can go on calling herself a feminist while ignoring the evil that is coming from her movement.

This leads to a neverending loop of "feminist does something evil, feminism is called out for creating such evil people, "good" feminists shout NAFALT, debate shuts down, and "bad" feminists get to carry on with their shitty behavior."

In other words, "good" feminists are enabling the behavior of "bad" feminists. But the "good" feminists don't see it that way. They seem to see these "bad" feminists as a vocal minority, but are they really?

When you hear the word "feminist" what names come to mind? Off the top of my head, Anita Sarkeesian, Jessica Valenti, and Andrea Dworkin are the first three names that come to me. And who are these women?

Anita Sarkeesian is the host of Feminist Frequency, a "non-profit" organization that specializes in dragging feminist rhetoric into all different kinds of media, particularly video games. Anita has a HUGE following, and is so influential she has made it onto television several times and even made TIME's Top 100 Most Influential People list.

And what is Anita's calling card? Painting men as villains and women as victims. She constantly berates male gamers and accuses them of sexism, even though she provides NO evidence for her claims. And she (badly) supports her idea of male gamers being sexist by constantly talking about how sexist video games are. And she does this by cherry-picking parts of video games, bending the truth, or just outright lying.

And the whole time she has been dragging men and video games through the mud, she has been getting donations from her stupid followers who are ignorant enough to believe her when she says she is receiving "constant" harassment and death threats from male gamers who hate her simply because she is a woman, when that couldn't be further from the truth. In other words, she is a con-artist who has made a career out of poking the hornet's nest and then crying when she gets stung.

Jessica Valenti is a writer for The Guardian, one of the biggest online news sites in the world. Everyone has heard of The Guardian. Jessica is also the founder of the blog Feministing and author of four different Feminist-themed books. She also has a large following on Twitter.

Jessica has written MANY articles that are indicative of her hating men, but none stand out in my mind more than her article titled "Feminists don't hate men. But it wouldn't matter if we did."

In this article, Jessica REALLY shows her man-hating side by brushing off the idea of feminists hating all men as "no big deal." She downplays the feelings of men by saying that, in no way, could feminist hatred of men affect them in any meaningful way, ignoring the amount of feminist rhetoric that is being spread around our schools right now; rhetoric that is teaching little boys and young men that they are viscous monsters who need to be "taught not to rape."

The article really takes a turn for the worse, however, when Jessica makes the assinine statement, "Besides, when women hate men, we hurt their feelings. When men hate women, they kill us: mass shootings have been attributed to misogyny, and sexual and domestic violence against women is often fuelled by a hatred for women."

In other words, because SOME men are evil bastards, it is okay for feminists to hate ALL of them. After all, men do so much worse to women, right? Wrong.

As for Andrew Dworkin, she was, and remains, an influential voice in the feminist community. How do I know this? Because modern feminists constantly parrot the insane things she said. According to Dworkin, pornography was an assault against women because she was being filmed doing sexual things for the pleasure of men. She went on a mission to try to shut down pornography, but (thankfully) did not get anywhere. Dworkin's hatred for pornography came from her ludicrous idea that, in a patriarchal society, women are incapable of giving consent to sex. Therefore, ALL intercourse between a man and a woman should be considered assault.

Does any of that sound familiar? Modern day feminists HATE pornography because it caters to the "male gaze" and they treat all porn stars as victims of the patriarchy. With all the new laws feminists are trying (and sometimes succeeding) to get passed, such as Yes Means Yes, they are slowly trying to criminalize intercourse between a man and a woman. They have already made it so a man and a woman cannot have consensual drunk sex because the man is always a rapist and the woman always a victim.

So, "good" feminists, if THESE women are some of the faces of your movement and some of the most influential members of your movement, why do you think the phrase "Not all feminists are like that" really makes a difference? It doesn't matter how many feminists AREN'T like that. The ones who ARE like that are running the show, and it's time to either leave the label behind and stop defending it, or take the movement back from these radicals.

Although, if you want to try to take it back, you are going to have one hell of a long road ahead of you because feminism has become nothing more than a dirty word.

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